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designer bag luxury women tote bag leather handbag purse shoulder bag large/small Evening Bags

These bags will come with logo and original dusta bag , leather is soft which is much better than the pu leather ,Black/Blue/withe Color.fashion bag,cross cross body totes for women Excellent workmanship on the whole bag and stitches makes it look very gorgeous Heavy Chain and Logo are made from high grade quality metal . They look the same as original bags , trendy elegant.It's worth buying! We have many other brand designer bags and wallets , please contact us if you want the catalog,We can provide more product catalogs!.syi


От 9 467,55 руб.

По 8 785,12 руб.

Предложения / купоны

Описание: These bags will come with logo and original dusta bag , leather is soft which is much better than the pu leather ,Black/Blue/withe Color.fashion bag,cross cross body totes for women Excellent workmanship on the whole bag and stitches makes it look very gorgeous Heavy Chain and Logo are made from high grade quality metal . They look the same as original bags , trendy elegant.It's worth buying! We have many other brand designer bags and wallets , please contact us if you want the catalog,We can provide more product catalogs!.syi
Цвет: Beige


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